McHugh Softball Training


Sam McHugh is now only taking lessons, clinics, and classes through Total Skills LLC located in Doylestown. If interested in receiving instruction from Sam please contact Total Skills Softball directly. 


Confidence, focus, and repetition are essential to high performance batting.  Sometimes athletes need extra time and coaching to make progress. There are an abundance of drills to make players more powerful and consistent. Coach Sam will be sure to meet your athletes needs. 


Solid defense is key to being a sound player. Drills will be customized for player's individual skills to optimize improvement. Coach Sam will demonstrate and explain form and procedure to the girls. 

Catching & Pitching

Catching is a difficult discipline of softball to pick up. The sooner a play commits to the position the better. This has been McHugh's primary position for over seven years. She knows the obligations and required work of a catcher such as blocking, framing, throw-downs, and more. 

If your player is looking to learn the basics of pitching. 

Base Running

Situations on the bases can get confusing and tricky. McHugh will help your child understand the rules of running by teaching how to slide/dive, run through first base, round the bags, take leads, tag-ups, and more to allow them to successfully stay on base and score. 

Recruiting Advising

If a high school player is exploring their options for the collegiate level. McHugh can help them to reach out to coaches and offer advice throughout the recruiting process. 

McHugh Softball Skills Training

Sam McHugh